MOH News

Medical Achievements at Bisha Hospitals
01 February 2017
The Ministry of Health (MOH) said that Tathleeth General Hospital has conducted more than 160 surgeries, minor and major and one-day surgeries during the last three months, and the premarital screening clinic checked 270 persons.
During the same period the emergency section at Alalya Hospital received 19,825 cases of which 145 caused by accidents, and medical teams conducted more than 100 surgeries, and the one-day surgery program conducted 311 minor and major surgeries during the last three months.
Meanwhile, the MOH said that King Abdullah Hospital in Bisha has provided radiology sections with modern medical equipment of international standards, including fixed rays machines, two magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices, two CT scan, two ultrasound devices, one nuclear medicine device, one panorama device, one bone mineral density device, one interventional radiology device and a breast screening device. Also more than 23,700 radiology screening were conducted at the hospital radiology sections during the last three months of 2016.

Last Update : 07 February 2017 09:46 AM
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