MOH News

MOH: "Cardiac Patients can Perform Hajj"
30 August 2016
The Ministry of Health (MOH) noted that cardiac patients can perform Hajj providing that their health condition is stable; having no chest pain or dyspnea, and no recent heart attacks that necessitate hospitalization or cardiac catheterization or artery bypass surgery. They have to make good control of diabetes and blood pressure, if they already have them, and their health in general is good, as well as consulting their doctors a sufficient time before performing Hajj.
It also advised cardiac patients wishing to perform Hajj of the importance of taking necessary vaccinations such as:
meningitis vaccine, seasonal flu vaccine, because the heart patients, especially those with weak heart muscle (cardiomyopathy), are more susceptible than others to serious complications in case of getting infected with influenza; this could amount to heart failure. Furthermore, it advised the cardiac patient who intends to perform Hajj to keep with him sufficient amounts of drugs that would suffice for pilgrimage and make sure to take prescribed medicines regularly, and not to stop taking them for any reason. Also, coronary artery atheroma patients have to carry along nitroglycerin tablets; they are ones put under the tongue and to be taken when chest pains occur, Allah forbids.
This came through the MOH's National Center for Information and Health Promotion which receives inquiries from citizens and residents who intend to perform Hajj, via the toll free number 8002494444 and the MOH's Twitter account: @saudimoh, particularly those suffering from heart disease, within the context of the health awareness program dubbed: "Pilgrims' Health Is Our Top Concern" launched by the MOH.

It further advised those suffering from cardiac problems to avoid mental and physical strain and psychological disturbances, and as much as they could, pay attention to the type of food they have, and reduce salt in food; and keep away from overcrowded areas, and in case of any chest pain get enough and no movement, and request immediate help from your doctor, or call the Red Crecsent on 977 or the unified center on 911, in case the patient is in the holy sites.
The MOH pointed out that sunstroke are more risky for cardiac patients specially when using diuretics which increase possibility of dehydration, in addition to that the various blood thinners such as aspirin and others increase the risk of faints and sudden fall and the possibility of bleeding. It noted that the cardiac patients must take sufficient amounts of liquids and juices and avoid staying under the direct sun because of high temperature during Hajj season, and avoid physical strain as much as possible, and in case of having any symptoms like headache or vomiting or feeling very tired or muscle pain or high degree of body temperature, you should get enough rest and take sufficient amounts of liquids and juices, as well as using antipyretics. In such cases the patient should consult his doctor to see if his case required him to be transferred to the hospital to take intravenous fluids, or call the Red Crescent on 997 or the unified center on 911, wishing all pilgrims good health.  



Last Update : 01 September 2016 03:16 PM
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