MOH News

Al-Falih Meets the Malaysian Minister of International Trade and Industry and His Accompanying Delegation
09 November 2015
His Excellency the Minister of Health, Eng. Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih, met at his ministerial office today (Sunday, November 8th, 2015, corresponding to Al-Muharram 26th, 1437H), with His Excellency the Malaysian Minister of International Trade and Industry, Mr. YB Dato' Sri Mustapa bin Mohamed, and the delegation accompanying him.
The meeting touched upon the current mutual cooperation between the two friendly countries in the health domain, as well as discussing ways of fostering this cooperation, in such a manner that benefits both countries in the areas of health and supportive services. The two parties have agreed to stay in contact, in an endeavor to explore opportunities to strengthen the bonds of this cooperation, and support the efforts of its development.
The meeting was attended from the Saudi part by His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Health for Planning and Transformation, Mr. Abdullah Al-Sharif and His Excellency the Deputy Minister of Health for Human Resources, Mr. Abdul-Hadi bin Ahmad Al-Mansouri.
On the other hand, the Malaysian delegation included Mr. Yabhaq Dato'Dz Walakfal bin Mahmoud, His Excellency Zinoul Zainuddin Rahim, and Mr. Khairullah Anwar Abdul-Halim, as well as representatives of a number of Malaysian companies.

Last Update : 11 November 2015 02:40 PM
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