MOH News

Drug Safety Program Applied in Mina Emergency Hospital
23 September 2015
The Pharmacy Director at Mina Emergency Hospital, Ph. Ahmed Yamani, stated that the hospital applies a drug safety program in its departments, through lectures and workshops on drug safety. Topics of those workshops and lectures revolve around medical and medicinal errors, drug interaction and the risk of their side effects, which may occur as a result of inappropriate medicine prescription or dispensing. Prohibited use of abbreviations in medical forms at hospitals and using the complete form instead is also one of the important topics in drug safety. In addition, the program covers measures of high-risk drugs control, the necessary precautions to be taken when dispensing them, and preservation in special isolated medical lockers. 

Yamani indicated that the hospital, for the first time, has conducted a detailed study on drug errors with the aim of preventing such errors and developing strategic plans to be included in work policies and procedures for the upcoming Hajj seasons.

Noura Al-Jahni, clinical pharmacist and supervisor of the Holy Sites' pharmacies, attributed the successful application of the program to Allah – first and foremost – and to the constant support and follow-up of the Assistant Deputy Minister for Supportive Medical Services, Dr. Munira Al-Esseimi, who shows particular concern for compliance with international drug safety standards and providing top healthcare to pilgrims. 

The Pharmaceutical Care General Department extended thanks to the director of the Mina Emergency Hospital, Dr. Ayaman Yamani, for his immense support to the application of Drug Safety Program at the hospital, which contributed to enhancing the quality of the pharmaceutical services offered to pilgrims. 


Last Update : 07 October 2015 02:22 PM
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