MOH News

Cardiac Care Unit of Mina Emergency Hospital Receives First Case of Angina Pectoris
22 September 2015
The cardiac care unit at Mina Emergency Hospital, in the Holy Sites, received the first emergency case the day before yesterday evening; it was a Saudi doctor who suffered angina pectoris while working at his clinic in the hospital, which required medical intervention and cardiac catheterization.  

Dr. Mahmoud Khoja, a consultant in family and community medicine at Mina Emergency Hospital, was doing his routine work at his clinic the day before yesterday evening, when he had breathing difficulties and felt chest heaviness. After showing symptoms of angina pectoris, he was referred to the cardiac care unit, which is fully-equipped to deal with angina pectoris cases.  

Cardiac intensive care physicians, led by Dr. Walid Al Ma'ena, the Director of Emergency Unit, examined Khoja, and indicated that he was suffering a heart attack. Thereupon, he was referred to Al-Noor Hospital, where he underwent additional examinations. Later, he was referred to King Abdullah Medical City in (KAMC) Makkah, where he had an urgent cardiac stent surgery after having coronary artery clot. After the two-hour surgery, the medical team responsible for the surgery announced that it was a success, and that Khoja is now in good health, thank Allah!   


Last Update : 07 October 2015 02:32 PM
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