MOH News

Minister of Health Meets His Korean Counterpart
04 March 2015
His Excellency the Minister of Health, Mr. Ahmad bin Aqeel Al-Khateeb, met at his ministerial office yesterday “Tuesday” evening with His Excellency the South Korean Minister of Health and Welfare, Moon Hyung-pyo. During the meeting, they discussed ways to reinforce health cooperation between both countries and the preliminary drafts of health projects provided by the Korean side. Furthermore, the meeting highlighted the Korean health system, and ways to benefit from the Korean expertise in the health domain.
The meeting was attended by His Excellency the Vice Minister for Health Affairs, Dr. Mansour Al-Howasi, His Excellency the Vice Minister for Planning and Development, Dr. Muhammad Khoshaim, a number of Saudi Ministry of Health’s (MOH) senior officials and members of the delegation accompanying the hosted Minister.

Last Update : 05 March 2015 01:40 PM
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