MOH News

MOH Adopts Booklets and Guidelines on Patient Treatment
The Deputy Minister for Therapeutic Services, Dr. Abdulaziz al-Hemaidi, has announced that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has adopted a large number of booklets and guidelines on the treatment of patients to be used in all hospitals, depending on the specialties of each.
Dr. al-Hemaidi's remarks came during the MOH's fifth consultative meeting, which is currently held in Jeddah province under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah.
"This step comes out of MOH's keen interest in improving the health services (quality improvement) in the Kingdom," Dr. al-Hemaidi said, pointing out that the booklets tackle seven specialties: internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, mental health, emergency medicine, and intensive care. Furthermore, Dr. al-Hemaidi highlighted that the pocket-sized booklets will be available in high quality on the MOH Portal. "In the future, these booklets will be converted into apps running on smartphones," he said.
Dr. al-Hemaidi further noted that the booklets comprise the MOH's adopted medication guide, underscoring that the therapeutic services, which the MOH tenders, seek to gain citizen-and-residents' satisfaction in this beloved country as part of the Ministry's bids to activate its motto, (Patient First) in line with a specific methodology meant to facilitate procedures and services provided for patients in the Saudi hospitals.
"This move aims to unify all therapeutic and health procedures applied to MOH's hospitals," said Dr. al-Hemaidi, adding that the booklets will identify the drug names, methods and stages of treatment and diagnosis of diseases.

Last Update : 20 April 2014 08:45 AM
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