MOH News

MOH Is Working by Leaps and Bounds in Early Preparation for the Coming Hajj Season
27 January 2014
Today noon, the second meeting of the Preparatory Hajj Committees was held under the chairmanship of His Excellency the Vice Minister of Health for Planning and Development, and chairman of the Hajj Preparatory Committees, Dr. Muhammad Khoshaim. The meeting was held at the MOH headquarter, and was attended by the members of those committees.
During the meeting, Dr. Khoshaim touched upon the latest preparations of the Hajj committees to take part in the MOH's Hajj plan for this year (1435H). In this vein, Dr. Khoshaim outlined the preparations of both Makkah and Madinah Regions for this year Hajj season.
For his part, the Supervisor General of the Hajj and Umrah Health Services, Dr. Hussein bin Abdullah Ghannam, has pointed out that among the topics discussed during the meeting was the study of developing the current Statistics and E-Link Program with Madina Health Affairs General Directorate and the Field Medicine General Department. “The meeting endorsed the needs and demands of the relevant committees at Makkah and Madinah Regions,” said Dr. Ghannam.
Dr. Ghannam went on adding that the meeting discussed the approval of establishing health centers in Arafat and Mina, as well as the work progress of the standards, specifications, and plans developed to build healthy rooms for chemical disinfection, in addition to the study of rain water drainage around the building of Namira Hospital.
Within the same vein, Dr. Ghannam pointed out that the meeting discussed all the Hajj-related committees’ needs, including the immunizations and vaccines required for Hajj health regulations, in addition to reviewing the workflow and what have been accomplished of projects, the adoption of equipment, the medical and non-medical replacement, approved this year for the Holy Sites in Makkah and Madinah, as well as the achievements of the Manpower Program during pilgrimage.

Last Update : 29 January 2014 08:45 AM
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