MOH News

MOH Holds a Training Course on the Use of “Insulin” Pump Technology
24 November 2013
The training course and workshop on the use of “insulin” pump technology among insulin-dependent diabetics (Type I or Type II) began in Riyadh on Sunday morning. The 5-day course is implemented by the Hospital General Department of the Ministry of Health (MOH).
For his part, the Director-General of Hospitals, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Ghamdi, said the goal of this course is to rehabilitate MOH's medical teams on the use of the new insulin pump technology which has been tested in nine certified diabetes centers over various areas; in preparation for applying it in all specialized centers in the Kingdom. Dr. Al- Ghamdi pointed out that the course will contribute to rehabilitation of about 12 teams on treatment by the insulin pump, noting that further courses will be provided to train the other teams till the technology is applied in all regions.
Within the same vein, Dr. Al-Ghamdi highlighted that this course comes within the framework of MOH's efforts to improve the quality of performance and train all teams on the latest medical tools and techniques in such a manner that ensures providing more high-level health services for patients, pointing out that the MOH has provided all needed modern equipments and manpower to provide a quantum leap in the field of diabetes and to gain patients' satisfaction. In addition, medical and technical jobs have been announced for (22) diabetes centers in various regions of the Kingdom.
Finally, Dr. Al-Ghamdi noted that the Ministry, proceeding from its desire to provide health care for patients with chronic diseases and due to the increasing number of people with diabetes of all types, has adopted a plan to establish specialized centers for treatment of diabetes in all regions.
As regards Dr. Mohammed Al-Harbi, the endocrine gland and child diabetes consultant; and the Director-General of the Diabetes Centers and Units of the Hospitals General Department pointed out that the insulin pump is small mobile-sized device planted under the skin, and it pumps the insulin for the patient in an automatic, programmed way through a plastic tube.
He went on to add that using the novel insulin pump has a number of benefits and advantages embodied in avoiding the patient being punctured daily with the needles; this help mitigate their suffering from the disease as the needle planted under the skin can be changed every three days. Also, the pump proved effective in terms of treating the frequent and constant diabetes fluctuation, and using it reduces or may abolish the low sugar cases, the worst complications that the patient could experience due to the increase of the insulin dose or lack of eating, as well as giving the patient full freedom in terms of eating, moving, and going from a place to another. In addition to this, the proper use for the pump enables the patient to avoid the chronic complications of the diabetes, such as diabetic retinopathy, kidney diseases, diabetic foot, and so forth.
Meanwhile, he made clear that the technology of the insulin pump requires many terms with regard to the service providers and its recipient; in order to lead to its desired benefit. It is stipulated that a medical team trained on using the pump, headed by an endocrine gland and diabetes consultant, be provided, as well as securing the device and easily reaching and communicating with the treating medical team. A condition is set that the patient be convinced with the benefit of this device in terms of diminishing their sufferings, as well as being punctual and conducting the necessary medical examinations. Also, they are to adhere to the diet set by the treating medical team, appropriate for treatment with the pump, and learn how to calculate carbohydrates in food due to its significance in terms of pinpointing the appropriate amounts for eating.

Last Update : 02 December 2013 12:58 PM
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