MOH News

MOH Launches the Electronic Fax Program in 13 hospitals in Makkah and Holy Sites
The head of Hajj Statistics and Information Technology Committee, Dr. Mohamed bin Rashid Al-Yamani, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) has already launched the Electronic Fax Program in 8 hospitals in the Holy Sites and 5 hospitals in Makkah.
Besides, Dr. Al-Yamani noted that an electronic fax was imported and installed in hospitals to refer patients among hospitals in a fast and modern way. Through this program, the professional can transfer the patient by pressing a button, without need of the usual ways of sorting and resending the fax papers.
Also, the new program will help sort all fax papers in one place in order to check them any time.
Within the same vein, Dr. Al-Yamani pointed out that the Electronic Fax Program was introduced to the hospitals in the Holy Sites (8 hospitals) and Makkah (5 hospitals); in order to send and receive referrals among hospitals, with the provision of a special device to receive referrals electronically and transfer them through the operations team at the Command and Control Chamber.
Also, a number of personnel have been trained in each hospital on how to use the Program.
In addition, Dr. Al-Yamani noted that these hospitals include Mina Emergency Hospital, Mina Al-Jisr Hospital , Mina Al-Wadi Hospital, Mina Al-Share' Al-Jadeed Hospital, Arafat General Hospital, Eastern Arafat Hospital, Jabal al-Rahmah Hospital, Namira Hospital, Heraa General Hospital, King Faisal Hospital, Al-Nour Hospital and King Abdulaziz Hospital.
Moreover, Dr. Al-Yamani highlighted that the number of faxes that were sent during the trial period amounted to 813 faxes, while the received faxes reached 507 faxes, bringing the total number of faxes to 1320 messages.
In conclusion, Dr. Al-Yamani said that the Ministry is keen to make use of the information technology because it plays a key role in ensuring the success of the pilgrimage season from different sides, more importantly, the transfer and analysis of data in no time for preparing accurate stats that help take the right decision at the right time, noting that the MOH Statistics and Information Technology Committee always aspires to be successful by offering the latest technology and improving the output of used systems, thereby raising the level of the services provided for pilgrims.

Last Update : 15 October 2013 01:20 PM
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