MOH News

Therapeutic Nutrition Consultant Recommends Avoiding Fried and Greasy Foods
22 July 2013
The Therapeutic Nutrition Consultant, Dr. Ibtehaj Saud Al-Oraini, has recommended avoiding fried, greasy and sugary foodas well as the excessive intake of foods especially at the Iftar (fast breaking) meal. Also, she advised chewing food very well, pointing out that drinking excessive amount of tea and coffee, especially at the Suhoor (pre-dawn) meal, is not recommended as they are diuretic.
Dr. Al-Oraini advised eating more dietary fibres found in vegetables, fruits, grains and beans; and drinking liquids as much as possible, especially water, gradually from Iftar till Suhoor. In addition, she advised eating complex carbohydrates at the Suhoor meal, such as grains, wheat, oats and beans, since the digestion of such substances takes 8 hours. However, she recommended avoiding eating simple carbohydrates that are digested in only 3-4 hours, such as white flour and sweets.
It is worth mentioning that Dr. Ibtehaj Al-Orainihas provided these tips viathe “Hello, Healthy Ramadan”Program launched by the MOH Media and Health Awareness Information Center; through which leading physicians and consultants of various specialties are hosted daily from 1 p.m. till 3 p.m. to answer public inquiries viathe MOH allocated toll free number: 8002494444 and its account on Twitter: @saudimoh.
Within the same vein, Dr. Al-Oraini has illustrated thatone of the most prominent health issues during the Holy Month of Ramadan is constipation because of the low intake of water and dietary fibres found in grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. That is to be added to indigestion (bloating)due to the intake of fried and greasy foods, as well as soft drinks, and inactivity resulting from the low intake of liquids and minerals. Headache is also one of Ramadan health issues; knowing thatit is caused by the low blood pressure and it may cause nausea if the fasting person is accustomed to caffeine. In addition, muscle spasm can occur because of the deficiency in calcium, magnesium, and potassium, so it is recommended to eat vegetables, fruits and dairy products. A gastric ulcer (heartburn)is also a common health issueduring Ramadan due to the increase of the acid in the empty stomach.
Dr. Al-Oraini went on to add that in order not to suffer from loss of appetite especially during the second half of the Holy Month of Ramadan, the fasting person must practice some forms of exercise, drink fresh juice, and have the meals of Iftar and Suhoor regularly. She stated that the fasting person loses appetite duet to the shrinkage of the stomach when it turns empty during fasting. In case of neglecting the Iftar and Suhoor meals many times, the stomach gets used to shrinkage, causing loss of appetite.
As for nausea, Dr. Ibtehaj Al-Oraini pointed out that it occurs occasionally because of headache, low blood pressure or being accustomed to caffeine or Tabaco. Therefore, the fasting person should insure to eat meals rich in vitamins, and minerals and drink more liquids between Iftar and Suhoor.
As for heart burn, Dr. Al-Oraini indicated that it is caused by the increase of the acid inthe empty stomach. She advised avoiding spicy foods, coffee, and cola, or eating excessive amounts of foodsin a rapid manner.
Furthermore, Dr. Ibtehaj Al-Oraini advised eating moderate food stuffs during the days of Eid Al-Fitr, especially after fasting a whole month, in order to avoid any intestinal disorders. Also, she recommended having vitamins, vegetables and liquids, especially water, as much as possible, as well as avoiding greasy heavy meals in order not to exhaust the stomach, and choosing digestible food that provides energy without causing any stomach disorders. Dr. Al-Oraini recommended eating fish, sea foods, fruits and vegetables as they were neglected during Ramadan.
Finally, Dr. Ibtehaj Al-Oraini advised the fasting persons to follow a balanced diet comprising 3 meals a day, and avoiding carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes as well as pasta. That is to be added to sweets as theyprovide the body with high energy, which may not be needed causing glut and feeling of laziness.

Last Update : 30 July 2013 11:11 AM
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