MOH News

Hospitals General Department Concludes a Training Course for Medical Records Directors and Supervisors
04 March 2013
Under the auspices of His Excellency the Deputy Minister for Curative Services, Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Hemeidi, a training course on “Training Trainers on Developing the Skills of Medical Records Directors and Supervisors” was concluded. The course was organized on Wednesday 17/4/1434H (corresponding to 27/2/2013) by the Hospitals General Department, in cooperation with the Training and Scholarship General Department. The course took place in the MOH Training Center from 13-17/4/1434H (corresponding to 23-27/2/2013).
Dr. Al-Hemeidi emphasized the significance of putting into effect the knowledge and skills that the participants acquired in the course with regards to hospital medical records in accordance with the Ministry’s approaches to promoting and qualifying the level of health services. Also, he listened to their observations and the prominent problems that they encounter, and the ways to address and solve them.
The course was opened by His Excellency the Director-General of Hospitals, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Hamed Al-Ghamdi, on Saturday 13/4/1434H (corresponding to 23/2/2013).  He explained the outlines of the strategic plan adopted by the Minister of Health to improve hospital medical records departments of various constructional aspects; whether they be workforce, training, preparation, policies, work procedures, or unifying the medical files and medical applications and what the Hospital General Department has done to implement this plan.
The course was attended by 35 participants of medical records directors and supervisors at MOH main hospitals, from various regions of the Kingdom. The course aims at preparing trainers in medical records divisions to improve their work; as it shed light on many points of training principles, training process in general, quality concepts and development in medical records department in light of the strategic plan and the acquisition of knowledge and problem-solving skills to face the potential problems of medical records departments. As regards the training methods adopted, the course involved a diversity of lectures, seminars, and workshops, as well as training on preparing and presenting presentations. It also involved a visit to the Medical Records Division at King Saud Medical City (KSMC) to have a closer look at the actual work of the division, and benefit from its experience.
Participants, for their part, have appreciated the Ministry’s interest in medical records divisions to improve them and solve their problems in line with what meets the national and international quality standards in this field. Medical records divisions are considered the essence of quality, the correct source of the information and calculation, the main basis for scientific researches in hospitals, the secure reference that keep patients’ data and insure the precision, quality, privacy and the documentation of offered medical services pursuant to quality standards.

Last Update : 09 March 2013 09:00 AM
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