MOH News

‏Namira Hospital Conducts an Rehearsal on How to Face a Disaster Outside the Hospital
22 October 2012
   On Monday, October 22nd, Namira General Hospital applied disaster response rehearsal outside the hospital (from 11:10 am till 12:10 pm). It conducted a disaster simulation experiment outside the hospital, and the virtual site was the evacuation area, as the number of virtual cases was 10 cases with different seriousness degrees. Hence, the supportive team, made up of four physicians and two nurses along with ambulatory bags and an ambulance, was called in.
The team headed to the virtual site in order to sort the cases, then they were transferred to the hospital's Emergency section in terms of their priorities, where they received and tackled by the emergency team. And at the end of the experiment, the code turned green.
During the rehearsal, statistics team existed; and the cases were enumerated in terms of quantity and quality. Also, notes were taken by the supervisory team; after that these notes were reviewed and discussed with the participating teams; in order to avoid them in the future.
This was pointed out by the Director of Namira General Hospital, Dr. Abdulhakim Omar Ba-Faraj, who led the whole hospital's team during this experiment. He also referred that this experiment shows how far the medical cadres are prepared to tackle the emergency cases as well as the readiness of the hospital, as it is conducted annually during the Hajj season.

Last Update : 12 November 2012 09:01 AM
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