MOH News

Dr. Al-Ahwal: The Kingdom Offers Incredibly Integrated Health Services to Pilgrims
18 October 2012
   Dr. Mahmoud bin Shaheen Al-Ahwal, dean of Faculty of Medicine at King Abdulaziz University, hailed the medical efforts extended by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to pilgrims despite the large number of pilgrims.

“A million people gather in a few kilometers for a few days. The Kingdom offers all the amenities of a safe, healthy life; taking into account that most pilgrims are aged. While some deaths and injuries happen when people gather in tens of thousands for few hours at a sports stadium or a similar place in so-called advanced states. This is Allah's mercy on us in this country, the source of the Islamic revelation,” said Dr. Al-Ahwal.

He pointed out that it is out of Allah the Almighty's grace and due to the efforts of the Rulers of this country, Allah bless them, we see the impossible becomes possible, the difficult gets easier and the fear turns into safety. Saudi Arabia's offers to pilgrims, under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, May Allah protect him, are incredible. It is beyond anybody's perception to realize the entire health care services offered to pilgrims since they arrive in. That made the Kingdom an example to follow.

That is evident in mobile clinics that follow pilgrim at the Holy Sites per se. These hospitals do not only offer health care to pilgrims, as all hospitals worldwide do. They also help the sick individuals complete the pilgrimage rituals. The patients perform the rituals in a sound manner as all services are available at such hospitals as the best specialized hospitals do. The hospitals conduct all surgeries, even complicated ones, let alone the services of health centers and other health associations such as Saudi Red Crescent and others that cover all pilgrims, by ordinary ambulances or air ambulance.

Finally, Al-Ahwal praised Allah for making him serve patients in pilgrimage. He invoked Allah the Almighty to preserve the blessing of faith, security and safety, and make people long for visiting the Kingdom until the Day of Judgment.

Last Update : 26 October 2012 03:08 AM
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