MOH News

Bone Density Test Recommended by an Orthopedic Consultant for Those Over Forty of Both Genders
31 July 2012
   Dr. Jameel Faqiha, an orthopedic consultant at King Saud Medical City (KSMC) advised those over forty of both genders, and post-menopause women to undergo the bone density test, even without the incidence of certain symptoms or pains.
Dr. Faqiha gave this advice during the interview made with him at the MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Center on Monday, July 30th, 2012, within the framework of the program dubbed: “Your Health in Ramadan” (2nd week). He received several questions and inquiries on osteoporosis, its symptoms and treatment, and he provided apt answers for them.
He also answered the questions that had to do with knee pain, neck pain, and low-back pain.
Every day in Ramadan, the Center will be interviewing doctors specialized in various medical specialties, to receive people's questions and inquiries through the toll-free number: 8002494444, and social networks (Twitter) from 1 to 3 pm. It is basically intended to highlight the importance of a well-arranged dosing system, and provide medical tips and consultations during the holy month.
It is noteworthy, “Your Health in Ramadan” program, carried out by the MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Center, has been launched on the second Saturday in Ramadan. For three weeks, until the end of Ramadan, the program will continue to make daily interviews with a constellation of physicians and consultants of various specialties.

Last Update : 31 July 2012 01:53 PM
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