MOH News

MOH Portal Relaunches the E-Query Service for the Ministry Employees
17 January 2012
The MOH Portal has relaunched the E-Query Service for the Ministry employees, after making some modifications meant to maintain full protection for the employees' privacy, with regard to their assignments, bonuses, overtime, payroll, and so on.
For his part, Eng. Rayan AlFayez, MOH Portal Project Manager, pointed out that the service stoppage during the past couple of months was due to the remarks made by both the Security and Safety Department and the Personnel Affairs Department, to the effect that employees complain of the misuse of the service, and disclosure of personal information, especially since the access to the service requires submitting the National ID Number, as well as the Employee ID, which have become widely disclosed within the Ministry through internal correspondence.
 “Consequently,” Eng. AlFayez added, “we have conducted a comprehensive study, covering all the aspects of the problem, so as to find out appropriate solutions. The benefit from the services provided by the MOH Portal has been correlated with the work e-mail of all MOH employees, considering that creating new accounts have been made available for new staff – to mention just one example of these solutions.”
AlFayez went on to say, “Through the MOH Information and Communication Technology, we seek to provide the best services, and aspire to the attainment of administrative advancement, by facilitating employees' electronic transactions. Besides, we endeavor to provide more e-services on the MOH Portal for the Ministry's employees.”
It is worth mentioning that the MOH Portal has recently won the “Best E-Content Award”, in the Second GCC E-Government Conference, held in Kuwait in November 2011, in participation of many governmental authorities representing the Kingdom Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries that were competing to present their best achievements in e-government projects and programs.

Last Update : 17 January 2012 03:27 PM
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