MOH News

HE Minister of Health Open Community Health Charities Meeting
03 April 2011
His Royal Highness, Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense and Aviation and Inspector General stated that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is founded on strong and stable Islamic bases where it’s concerned with charity acts are in each and every field. Charity acts and activities, public or private, are supported by the generous and kind Leaders and people of this country.

On HRH behalf, His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz AlRabeeah delivered a speech in the Community Health Charities Meeting, yesterday morning, at King Faisal Conference Hall. He said that this kind of meetings will strength cooperation among these charities and enhance group work, which will reflect positively on their performance and the benefiters of their services and programs. HE called on benevolent people to support these charities in order to fulfill their purposes and mission in serving the Kingdom’s people. As a conclusion, he wished luck to all the participants in this meeting, which aims to spread awareness about health services and the importance of voluntary work in the health field.
On the other hand, Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Yusuf Bin Ahmed Al 'Uthaymeen stated that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, His Crown Prince and the Second Deputy ultimate concern and support toward all kinds of charity acts. HE said that health charity acts has become one of the public’s concerns, nowadays, due to its social and health role that supports, and comes in line with the Government institutions’ role in the health field.
In addition, Dr. Al 'Uthaymeen mentioned that several Community Health Charities has joined charity work. HE praised the accomplishments and efforts of these charities that provide high quality services to patients in need. They serve patients who are in need for domestic health care as cancer, kidney and Alzheimer’s patients, in addition to all the categories of disabled persons, where they are served by loyal and professional people. The charities have reached 61 charities that provide social and health services, focusing on the health aspect and the social services needed. The Ministry of Social Affairs stands side by side with the Ministry of Health in supporting these charities and overcoming all the obstacles, especially in terms of developing, training and implementing volunteer programs, in addition to enhancing the charities’ financial resources and donations.
Moreover, Advisor at the Crown Prince's Court and Director General of the Sultan Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud Foundation, Dr. Majed Al-Qasabi revealed that charities and foundations are facing a lot of challenges; having a permanent income resource to fund their activities, focusing their efforts on their main domain, establishing the concepts of sustainable and institutional framework and voluntary charity work governance. These challenges call for joining efforts and benefiting from distinguished international and national experiences in order to face them.
Dr. Al-Qasabi added that through this meeting contributed in spreading the concepts of institutional voluntary work and enhancing cooperation, coordination and integration among the 40 community health charities that provide health care and rehabilitation programs.

Last Update : 21 April 2011 04:31 PM
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