MOH News

The Saudi Team Participating in the Emergency and Disaster Medicine Course Ranks Sixth
22 October 2011
   The Saudi team participating in the training course of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, held in Osaka, Japan, from 12 September to 7 October 2011, has won the 6th place, among the (21) teams taking part in the final competition of the course. More than (400) doctors and nurses engaged in this course, representing the highest medical in Japan, which is generally looked upon as one of the highest world levels in this domain. The final competition has continued for (15) unremitting hours, during which was carried out a complete simulation of managing the crises resulting from the occurrence of a natural catastrophe; including rescuing and recovering casualties, providing first-aid in different cases, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).  
The Saudi team consisted of (14) doctors and emergency technicians from all over the Kingdom, under the Saudi-Japanese Cooperation Program carried out every year in coordination with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA). For his part, Dr. Tariq bin Salem Al-Arnous, Director-General of Emergency, made clear that the directions o His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, has always been underscoring the pivotal importance of heightening the level of the Saudi doctors and technicians working in the field of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, so as to meet the highest world standards in this respect, and to build up the efficient staff capable of addressing any natural or manmade disaster that may afflict our dear Kingdom – God forbid!
Dr. Al-Arnous added that the Saudi team is going pass the experiences it has accumulated to emergency teams throughout the Kingdom's provinces and regions; with a view to broaden the scope of benefit from such courses.

Last Update : 22 October 2011 04:29 PM
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