MOH News

Minister's Word on the Ocasion of National Day
25 September 2010
Our beloved Kingdom is celebrating the National Day, which is considered a special event for us since it is a historical event where the kingdom scored great achievements in all fields after unifying the country by King Abdul Aziz. This anniversary has a valuable meaning to each citizen where we should meditate deeply in the kingdom's great achievements and development in all life aspects. It is the outcome of devoted and sincerely people's efforts, therefore, we must thank Allah and do our best to maintain such blessing to pass it to the coming generations.
It has been 80 great years full of accomplishments, established by our founder king Abdul Aziz and his faithful sons.
This occasion reflects will known strong will and sincere desire of our Kingdom leaders; for developing this country since King Abdul Aziz era to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz. The kingdom's achievements represent rich stages full of great accomplishments, which built a solid national economical base, in addition of the comprehensive revival especially in scientific and educational sectors. That granted the Kingdom a leader role in the United Nations Organizations as well as related international institutions and other international organizations.
Proceeding from the fact that public health is an integral part of the security, progress and welfare of our beloved country, the Ministry of Health adopted an objective methodology implementation in all areas regarding providing health care services through integrated health facilities, where large budgets were allocated in order to reach a comprehensive health security based on the instructions of our caring and committed leadership.    
The Ministry of Health adapted a strategic plan to improve health services quality and means. In addition of setting  a comprehensive strategy to enhance the current health system by benefiting from developed countries experiences in such areas, taking into account privacy and cultural environment, moreover,  encouraging cooperation between Governmental and Private Sectors.
Through the integrated health care national project which was introduced recently on the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz, the Ministry is seeking to focus on service receivers needs instead of the adopted health system. This well able people to receive continuous range of preventative, diagnostic, curative and rehabilitation services.   
This project aims to enhance and strengthen primary health care, using health care facilities effectively, providing integrated health care to all citizens, improving services quality and hiring specialist consultants in all needed fields. The Ministry expects that this project will ease receiving suitable health services through a strong referral system. In addition of increasing beds number in order to be available to all people in the kingdom.
Lately, a unified emergency number were established. This enables the Ministry to deal with evacuation situations immediately, where 3450 internal evacuation cases from peripheral hospitals to referral hospitals were accomplished during this year (12 cases daily) as well as 19 external evacuation cases from abroad the Kingdom to referral hospitals.  
As for the recent updated programs for serving citizens and residents across the kingdom, 4,000 patients benefit from Home Health Care Program, where One Day Surgeries reached 21,000 surgery which means saving 42450 hospital residency days in 7 months and adding 200 beds for a year. One Day Surgeries Hospitals increased such kind of surgeries 93% in 200 bed hospitals or more and 80% in 100 bed hospitals. As a result, bed rotation rates were increased from 4 rotations per patientmonth to 6, which mean 4000 rotations added in 6 months.       
Patient Relation Program, which is concerned of patient's interests and inquiries, is considered a successful program where Patient Relations Department received a 1300 case (19 cases a week). In addition of 450 complaints was received through the Ministry's website.      
As part for the Ministry dedication to improve the provided health services, computing 150 Primary Health Care Centres were accomplished. In addition of preparing the infrastructure, operating Health Information System in 28 hospitals (out of 30) and implementing the experimental project for Electronic Bed Management System where 30 hospitals were linked.
Moreover, the Ministry started building a national strategic for information technology, communication and e-health in the Kingdom with the cooperation of one of the most important companies in the world. This aims to set a development plan and implement information technology, communication and health systems to ease reaching people's health information, electronic data exchange between different governmental sectors and providing basic health information on smart cards.
As a regard to Dentistry, the Ministry provides preventative and curative services through 2083 clinics and 8 specialized centers in Dentistry, since 2 millions patients visits these facilities yearly.
In order to assure providing high quality health services, 21 hospitals were qualified for CBAHI where 9 hospitals are being prepared to grant CBAHI.
As for preventative services provided by the Ministry, diseases immunization has reached more than 97% for all vaccinations. As a result, most diseases spread rates were decreased, such as Tuberculosis, where infection rates among children less than 15 years decreased to 2.6 per 100.000 people. In addition of Schistosomiasis, Malaria and poliomyelitis. Moreover, new vaccinations were used and a National Program for Controlling Leishmaniasis were developed and implemented. Furthermore, Malaria was eliminated from Eastern, Northern and Riyadh areas.      
In conclusion, I pray to Allah to protect and bless our King, the Crown Prince and the Second Deputy and make our work sincerely for Allah's sake.
Minister of Health 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:53 PM
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