MOH News

One Day Surgery Hospitals number increased to 93%
19 September 2010
Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Rabeeah, confirmed that the Ministry of Health replaced all Swine Flue (H1N1) injections and other injections with suitable drugs without any financial costs.  
During Eid Al Fitter Annual Ceremony, which was held today, Saturday 9th of Shawall, in the Ministry of Health headquarter- Riyadh, his Excellence announced the completion of the Ministry strategic plan and ready for final review. He also pointed out that this plan is a considered a continuous for the approved plan by the ministers council and In line with the National Project for Integrated Health Care and Health Services Council.
His Excellence described this strategic plan as an integrated and comprehensive plan for the coming 10 years. The Ministry is committed to be fair in distributing reachable health care services based on scientific methodical indicators and reducing transforming patients between the Kingdom's areas with the corporation of all different health sectors as well as private health sectors. He also pointed out that this process needs financial approvals which are on the way to do so.
His Excellence reviewed some of the Ministry's achievements during the past period, which includes establishing a unified emergencies number. He clarified that 3450 internal evacuation cases (average of 12 cases per day) from peripheral hospitals to referral ones where completed, in addition of  transforming 19 external evacuation cases from abroad the Kingdom to referral hospitals and supervising the shipment of 25 tons of drugs to equip the two field hospitals in Pakistan.  
He also clarified that about 4000 patient has benefited from Home Health Cars Program where One Day Surgery has reached 21,000 surgeries which means economize 42450 hospital residence days (equals 200 bed a year).     
Dr. Al Rabeeah revealed the increase of the number of hospitals which performs One Day Surgeries which reached 93% in 200 beds hospitals and above and 80% in 100 beds hospitals. He also pointed out that beds rotation rates has increased from 4 times for each patient in a month to 6 (which means 4000 rotation were added in 6 months).    
He also referred to Patient Relations Program achievements, where the department received 1300 cases (which is about 19 case a week), dealt with about 450 complaint through Ministry of Health website and resolved 600 media complaints.  
Moreover, His Excellence clarified that the competitive prices for drugs where provided due to importing medicines from abroad directly. He also added that 150 primary health care centers across the Kingdom were computed.
 In addition of establishing the infrastructure and health information systems in 28 hospitals out of 30 and completing the experimental project for Family Management Electronic System, where 30 hospitals were linked.      
Finally, Dr. Al Rabeeah clarified that 10 emergencies centers were serving Umrah performers, 5 centers were serving in Makkah Holy Mosque which provided health care services for about 9,000 reviewers and more than 2500 in Ajyad Hospital.

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:53 PM
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