MOH News

Minister of Health Meets Ireland's Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation
03 November 2010
The Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz AL Rabeeah, met yesterday the Irish commercial delegate headed by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Innovation, Mr. Batt O'Keeffe, in the presence of the Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland to the Kingdom, Dr. Neil Holohan, in addition to Ministry of Health deputies and general managers.
Both sides discussed in a meeting at the Ministry's building in Riyadh many issues of mutual concern such as, cooperation in doctors training programs and nurses training programs, scientific research and advanced technology in health care, medical equipments and standard health facilities. In addition, they mentioned the necessity of exchanging medical expertise especially in visiting physicians program in the specialties of surgery, heart and blood vessels and anesthesia.
Moreover, Dr. AL Rabeeah also discussed the process of accrediting Irish medical certificates according to the Saudi Commission for Health Specialists. 
The Minister stressed in a press statement released after the meeting that health cooperation with Ireland existed long ago. There is a joint committee for bilateral health cooperation between the two countries which held more than 8 meetings.
Dr. Rabeeah revealed that there is an executive program for health cooperation with Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, which was agreed on months ago in order to train Saudi heath staff in different colleges and institutions related to the Royal College of Surgeons, in addition, seting joint training programs. He said "We seek to have training centers for Irish doctors and surgeons in the Kingdom. This can be done by having more joint health programs and courses specialized in improving health skills and facilitate the procedures of Diploma Bridging Program for Saudi nursing staff.
Moreover, the Irish commercial delegate will visit Jeddah and Dammam to hold similar meetings.
The aim of this delegate, which represents companies in different engineering, construction, information, education and finance sectors, is to identify available trade and investment opportunities in the Saudi market, exchange expertise in addition to enhance political, economic and commercial relations between the two countries.

Last Update : 03 December 2015 02:56 PM
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