MOH News

MOH convenes appointment improvement symposium
02 February 2009
MOH has announced its intention to hold a symposium in Riyadh on improvement of hospitals appointment systems on April 7th and 8th 2009, under the auspices of HH the Minister of Health Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Mane. Specialists and all who are concerned with the issue are invited to participate. The symposium will discuss a number of issues, including the reasons for appointment delays in hospitals, latest appointment systems, the reasons behind beneficiaries discontent, appointment software, the best ways for solving appointment related issues, communications skills, beds arrangement, etc. 
Accompanying activities include a number of workshops and experts are invited for participating in the debates.
Abstracts of participating works may be sent to the MOH General Directorate of Systems, fax: 014721080, not later than 18/02/2009, taken into consideration that certain selected valuable contributions shall be awarded.
Contacts may also be made with the head of supervisory committee Dr. Talal bin Husain Al-Beyari, email: or symposium coordinator Mr. Abdullah Tha'ar Al Hamid, email: 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:52 PM
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