MOH News

MOH differs vaccination campaigns
11 October 2009
MOH has differed the campaign for vaccinating school children at the first and second primary school classes throughout the Kingdom. The campaign was due to start on Sunday 21 Shawal 1430, including MMR (mumps, measles, and rubella viruses), DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus bacteria) and OPV (oral polio vaccine). The campaign has been rescheduled to start on Saturday 2 Muharram 1431 and continue for 5 weeks.
The differing has been made in line with the directives of the National Scientific Committee for Infectious diseases in order to maintain safety of school children and ensure that the appointment set for the campaign would not contradict with the swine flu vaccination campaign. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:52 PM
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