MOH News

MOH issues Hajj Health Requirements
23 July 2008
The Ministry of Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has requested the Ministry of Exterior to notify the health ministries of the Islamic states on the health requirements which must be fulfilled by those who are intending to perform the Hajj or Omra for the year 1429.
The Ministry of Health, in its endeavor to attain a disease free Hajj season, is insistent on implementing the health requirements, since such preventive measures will help in safeguarding the gains realized in the area of confronting epidemic and contagious diseases.
The Kingdom has been awarded the poliomyelitis free certificate. It requests all pilgrims and Omra performers coming from countries afflicted by yellow fever to submit a valid certificate showing they are free of the disease. It also requests all passengers arriving to perform Hajj or Omra, especially those who are coming from the African Belt, to submit a vaccination certificate against Meningococcal meningitis. Moreover, all passengers coming from countries dominated by terrestrial poliomyelitis are requested to provide their below 15 years children oral vaccination against the disease prior to their entry to the Kingdom. Another dose of the oral polio vaccine shall also be given to those children upon their arrival to the Kingdom.
The health requirements implemented in accordance with the international health regulations are as follows:
First: Yellow Fever:
1- Pilgrims and Omra performers arriving from countries dominated by yellow fever must submit a valid certificate verifying they have been vaccinated against the disease within a minimum period of 10 days and a maximum period of 10 years prior to their arrival to the Kingdom.
2- Aircrafts, ships, and other transportation means arriving from countries affected with yellow fever must submit a valid certificate verfying eradication of insects and mosquetoes.
3- Countries affected by yellow fever are:
a- Africa: Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa, Chad, Kongo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Ruanda, Senegal, Somalia, Sao Tome and Principe, Sudan, Togo, Uganda, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Kongo, Sierra leone, Mauritania.
b- America: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Equador, French Guiana, Guinana, Penama, Beru, Souriname, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Paraguay.
Second: Meningococcal meningitis:
a- Comers from all over the world:
Pilgrims, Omra performers, or those who are aiming for seasonal work from any country are requested to submit a valid certificate verifying they have been vaccinated against Meningococcal meningitis within a minimum period of 10 days and a maximum period of 3 years prior to their arrival to the Kingdom. The health authorities of the countries of origin must make sure that all adults and children over two years of age have been vaccinated by the quaternary ACYW135 vaccine.
b- Comers from the African Belt:
African Belt countries are Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Niger, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Eriteria, Gambia, Senegal, and Central Africa.
In addition to vaccination in their countries of origin by ACYW135, the Saudi health authorities at the openings will give each comer from these countries one 500 mg dose of sybrofluxasine for reducing the possibility of microbe infiltration among them.
Third: Poliomyelitis
  1. Passengers arriving from countries where terrestrial poliomyelitis virus is still transferable, namely Central Africa, Ethiopia, Niger, Angola, Democratic Republic of Kongo, Sudan, Chad, Somalia, Yemen, and Nepal, are requested to vaccinate their under 15 years children with oral polio vaccine 6 weeks prior to their entry to the Kingdom. They will be given another dose of the vaccine upon arrival.
  2. Passengers arriving from countries which are still sominated by poliomyelitis, namely Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India, must all be vaccinated with oral polio vaccine 6 weeks prior to their entry to the Kingdom. They will be provided another dose of the vaccine upon arrival.
Fourth: Seasonal Infeleunza Virus Vaccine:
The Saudi Ministry of Health recommends pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom, especially those who are more susceptible to Influenza, such as elderly people, people affected by chronic respiratory disorders, diabetics, and heart, kidney or liver patients, to be injected by the seasonal Influenza virus vaccine prior to their arrival to the Kingdom. 
Fifth: Epidemic Surveillance and Preventive Measurements at the Kingdom Openings:
  1. Health surveillance at the entry openings shall be intensified and all pilgrims and Omra performers coming from countries subject to the International Epidemic Surveillance checked, suspected people isolated, and their contacts watched.
  2. Passengers not vaccinated against meningitis, have no vaccination certificates, carrying unvalid vaccination certificates, or vaccinated by the double version of the vaccine, will be provided one 500mg dose of syprofluxasine.
  3. Passengers arriving from countries affected by yellow fever without vaccination will be placed under strict health observation for six days. Health surveillance centers at the entry openings must inform relative directorates of health affairs about them, their guiding teams, and their residences.
  4. Children under 15 arriving from countries with traces of poliomyelitis, such as Central Africa, Ethiopia, Niger, Angola, DRK, Sudan, Chad, Somalia, Yemen, and Nepal, shall be provided oral polio vaccine, regardless of previous vaccination, whereas all pilgrims arriving from countries afflicted by the virus (Nigeria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India) shall be provided oral polio vaccine, regardless of their age or previous vaccination.
Sixth: Food Materials:
Food materials brought by passengers to the Kingdom, including pilgrims and Omra performers, shall be prohibited. Only canned foods or foods kept within easily openable containers shall be allowed.
Authorities at the entry openings will make sure that pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom observe the above health requirements (Vaccinaiton certificates and preventive treatments for pilgrims coming from affected countries). 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:51 PM
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