MOH News

Health care centers to undergo crucial change, Al-Marghalani
29 January 2008
The MOH Official Spokesman Dr. Khalid Al-Marghalani said the Kingdom will witness crucial changes in health services in the near future. "The implementation of the Family Medicine Project will allocate a specialized doctor for taking care of each family and providing medical consultation through telephone", he said.
He said the project of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, in which 2000 health centers will be established, represents a real addition for developing health care and disseminating the culture of family and community medicine.
Dr. Al-Marghalani revealed a full scale plan to be set by MOH for developing health centers, including measures for eradicating health problems, basic environmental hygiene, maternity and childhood services, vaccination against infectious diseases, controlling and treating common diseases, carrying out simple operations, and providing basic medicines. He said the program will be implemented on scientific basis that ensure fair distribution and quality improvement.
"The MOH efforts will focus on changing the current view that consider health care centers as low grade health providers, a matter which has forced many citizens to seek alternatives", he said. "Such negative view shall be changed through tangible work aimed at providing the best services through recruiting highly qualified and experienced medical staff".  

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:51 PM
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