MOH News

The current reign of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques has witnessed great achievements, says Dr. Khoja
16 July 2007
On the occasion of the second pledge of allegiance, Dr. Tawfeeq Ahmed Khoja, the Director General of the Executive Bureau of the GCC Council of Ministers of Health, raised his congratulations and blessings, on behalf of the Executive Bureau of the GCC Council of Ministers of Health to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz and the Heir to the Throne HRH Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz. Marking this valuable pledge as a continuation on the path of building and development, he praised the great achievements covering all parts of the Kingdom at all developmental levels.
He said the Kingdom in the reign of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Heir to the Throne has witnessed great advancements through the efforts of probing the needs of the Saudi citizens, directing government officials to look into the needs and ambitions of the citizens, and activating the role of civil service within the concepts of justice, equality and planning for the future. The current year has witnessed launching of a number of great developmental projects during the visits of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to the different parts of the Kingdom.
Dr. Khoja specifically valued the attention paid by the leadership to the health sector, the great progress of which has filled the hearts of all citizens with joy. "We have set a unique model of health care providing", he said "a model that gained appreciation and respect at the international level".
According to Dr. Khoja, all those achievements would not have been a reality if it has not been for the aid of the Almighty God and the clear sightedness and objective vision of our leadership. "Only through strategic planning based on deep rooted scientific foundations could such goals attained", he said.
Dr. Khoja also extended his appreciations to Their Highness the heads of the GCC states for the support they have offered to the GCC Council of Ministers of Health.

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:50 PM
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