MOH News

MOH ready for the primary care conference
20 May 2007
MOH Official Speaker Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed Al-Marghalani said MOH has completed its preparations to host the Sixth GCC Conference for Primary Health Care, which is scheduled to be held at King Faisal Hall for Conferences in Riyadh during the period from 18 to 20/05/1428H. He
said the conference, which is organized by MOH in collaboration with the Executive Office of the GCC Ministers of Health and the Saudi Society for Family and Community Medicine, will review the future of primary health care in the GCC countries under the emblem (A Doctor for Each Family).
According to Al-Marghalani, the conference aims to create a platform for efficient communication and exchange of experience among specialists in the fields of family medicine and primary health care. It also aims at reviewing the new strategies applied in the GCC countries and the world in the fields of family medicine and primary health care.
Dr. Al-Marghalani said the conference shall discuss a number of issues, including distinguished examples in family medicine applications, health management strategies, medical research in the fields of family medicine and primary health care, medical education and training, improvement of family medicine and primary health care services, life patterns in the Gulf, and environmental pollution.
He said a number of distinguished scientists in the fields of family medicine and primary health care from inside and outside the Kingdom shall participate in the conference. Participants also include representatives from the GCC countries. The conference activities include more than 60 papers, of which 10 papers shall be presented by international scholars. Other activities to be held at the sidelines of the conference include discussion circles, workshops, and training courses before and after the conference on proof based medicine, health education, health insurance, medical education, and senility.
Other accompanying activities include the seventh scientific meeting of the Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine, in addition to a medical expo including drug companies, medical equipment companies, health insurance companies, and health care providers. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:49 PM
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