MOH News

The Council of Health Services clarifies its view regarding Cupping
17 April 2007
The Council of Health Services (CHS) said its decision regarding prohibition of cupping (hijama) practice does not mean it denies cupping as a method of treatment. The Council rather aims to ensure cupping practice must not cause harm to people under treatment. In presence of some cupping practitioners who do not care to follow correct healthy steps with respect to cleaning, sterilization, and control of infection, many recent reports have pointed out to incidents where some people being treated by cupping have developed infectious diseases.
As regarding to what have been circulated by some media channels that depicted prohibition of cupping as violating the teachings of prophet Mohammed, may prayers and peace be upon him, the Council would like to confirm that such statement has never been announced by any of the Council sources. What actually occurred is that the Council, in its meeting on 29/01/1428H, issued a decree prohibiting cupping. Though the decree has been based on scientific grounds (the benefits of cupping haven’t been proved on scientific bases), the Council left the door open for any scientific findings in the future. The MOH Alternative Medicine Center has been called to follow any relative new scientific developments.
The prohibition decree issued by the Council is an executive decree, but the Council is not authorized to execute such decrees. The decree does not violate the sacred teachings of our prophet, may peace and prayers be upon him, since treatment methods were limited at the time of the prophet. In addition, Prophet Mohammed has permitted his companions to seek out solutions for the problems relative to their material lives, telling them that they are more acquainted with their life affairs. 
The Council of Health Services has issued the decree in line with its eagerness to find ways for legalizing the practice. The purposes behind referring to such practices and the diseases for which they are used must be medically confirmed. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:49 PM
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