MOH News

Arab Children Health Conference Gains Wide Concerns, says Al- Marghalani
11 February 2007
His Royal Highness prince Talal bin Abdul Aziz, Head of the Arabian Gulf Fund for Supporting UN Developmental Organizations (AGFUND) shall patronize the Arab Children Health Conference to be organized by the Saudi Ministry of Health and the League of Arabic Countries in cooperation with AGFUND during the period from 6 to 8/2/1428H, being 24-26/2/2007, at King Faisal Hall for conferences, Intercontinental Hotel, Riyadh.
Dr. Khalid Al-Marghalani, who is in charge of the conference's information committee, appreciated the approval of the High Leadership to host this important occasion which is organized for the first time in an Arabic country. He said the conference shall be attended by the Arab ministers of health, in addition to a number of experts in the field of childhood health and relative fields. A number of Gulf, Arabic, and international organizations have also confirmed participation.
"The conference seeks to realize a number of goals", he said. "It will study the health status of children in the Arabic area during the last five years (2000-2005), determine underlying obstacles and problems, and try to find out solutions for them. It will also review the policies adopted, achievements attained, and future anticipations for improving the health situation of the Arab children in the five coming years".
The conference, which will be held under the banner "Arab Children Health .. A Nation's Investment", according to Al-Marghalani, aims to formulate a concept for the programs and projects required for improving the health services provided to Arab children, improving public awareness with regard to the problems of rehabilitating children and those of special needs, supporting and consolidating government efforts in childhood health through encouraging private contribution, and encouraging experience exchange among Arab countries in childhood health.
Dr. Al-Marghalani said the information aspect shall be one of the important aspects of the conference, denoting that the eighth aspect shall concentrate on (Information, Health Education, and their Effects on Childhood Health). "The conference shall cover the positive as well as the negative sides of childhood health", he said. "The positive side shall cover religious education, healthy patterns of life, treatment of psychological problems of children, consolidation of healthy behaviours for protection against diseases, and family role in childhood rearing and education".
Regarding the negative aspects Al-Marghalani said the conference shall look into the negative nutritional habits, circulation of some synthetic alternatives for natural maternal milk, violence, and other relative issues. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:49 PM
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