MOH News

MOH promotes 623 employees
30 December 2007
The MOH Personnel Affairs Director General Mr. Mohammed bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Moais has issued a decree ordering promotion of 623 employees. The decree included promotion of 432 employees to level 6, 105 employees to level 7, 73 employees to level 8, 21 employees to level 9, and one employee to level 10.
Mr. Al-Mois said the employees have been promoted in accordance with Article (10) of the Civil Service Regulations, the recommendations of their respective departments, fulfillment of the terms required for promotion, and the MOH promotions minute which recommended their promotion to levels 6 to 10.
He stressed that the employees must resume their new positions at the required places in accordance with paragraph (H) of Article (1) of the Promotions Bylaw. They must evacuate their current positions within 15 days as of the date of promotion unless an employee is exempted in accordance with Article (2) of the Promotions Bylaw.
"The bodies to which the employees are promoted must also follow the individual cases to ensure their enrollment to their new positions within the assigned periods", he said.
He said MOH has taken great steps towards finalizing deserved promotions in cooperation with the Ministry of Civil Service. 

Last Update : 12 April 2011 09:51 PM
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