Hajj News

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    MOH: Pilgrim’s Health Guide Released
    05 July 2022
    MOH: Pilgrim’s Health Guide Released
    ​​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has released Pilgrim’s Health Guide, as part of its services provided to pilgrims. The Guide features a set of health guidelines for pilgrims from inside and outside the Kingdom during all hajj phases, starting from the selection of Hajj applicants, their needs for vaccinations, vaccination schedules, health recommendations required before their performance of Hajj rituals (especially those people with chronic diseases), necessity of carrying their medical records, ways to improve their fitness, in addition to other instructions. Besides, the Guide features other health instructions for pilgrims during their performance of Hajj rituals, including general instructions related to personal hygiene, awareness messages to prevent heat exhaustion, infection, muscle fatigue, skin scrapes (abrasions), dehydration, falls, food poisoning, and other topics. The Guide provides special health instructions for some patients during Hajj, such as: patients with cardiac diseases, diabetes, asthma, allergies, and kidney disease. Furthermore, the Guide, also, outlines after-Hajj health guidelines, including those related to sacrifices, as well as links of e-services provided by MOH to pilgrims, such as: Unified Health Services App., and links to the nearest healthcare centers for pilgrims, and others. ​ ...
    MOH Transports Sick Pilgrims from Madinah Hospitals to Holy Sites
    05 July 2022
    MOH Transports Sick Pilgrims from Madinah Hospitals to Holy Sites
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) has started today (Tuesday) morning group transportation of sick pilgrims of different nationalities from Madinah hospitals to holy sites in Makkah to enable them to perform Hajj ...
    MOH Announces PHCs Providing Hajj Vaccinations
    05 July 2022
    MOH Announces PHCs Providing Hajj Vaccinations
    The Ministry of Health (MOH) has advised those wishing to perform Hajj to get meningitis vaccine, those who have not received the vaccine during the past 5 years ...
    MOH: Radiology Departments of Holy Sites’ Hospitals Linked to Teleradiology
    05 July 2022
    MOH: Radiology Departments of Holy Sites’ Hospitals Linked to Teleradiology
    ​​​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has linked all radiology departments of the holy sites’ hospitals to the teleradiology system, in collaboration with «Seha» Virtual Hospital ...
    MOH: 26 HCCs Geared Up to Serve Pilgrims in Mina
    05 July 2022
    MOH: 26 HCCs Geared Up to Serve Pilgrims in Mina
    ​​​The Ministry of Health (MOH) has geared up its healthcare centers (HCCs) to serve pilgrims and provide them with preventive and therapeutic health services during this year’s Hajj season ...
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