Hajj News

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    MOH allocates an award for boosting performance
    29 December 2007
    MOH allocates an award for boosting performance
    The Minister of Health Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Mane said the MOH budget for the year 2007 has been the biggest since its establishment. ...
    MOH adopts Bar Code System
    11 December 2007
    MOH adopts Bar Code System
    MOH, through the General Directorate of Medical Supply, has worked for introducing the latest techniques for storing drugs and medical necessities. A strategy for the coming five years, based ...
    Dr. Al-Dosari answers pilgrims' questions
    11 December 2007
    Dr. Al-Dosari answers pilgrims' questions
    The MOH Health Information Center, in coordination with the Lourback will host on Monday 30/11/1428H Dr. Nasser Al-Dosari, the Consultant of alimentary canal and liver, to answer the questions of pilgrims. ...
    Full mark in quality for Riyadh Central Lab
    11 December 2007
    Full mark in quality for Riyadh Central Lab
    The Germs Section at Riaydh Central Lab and Blood Bank has won full degree in the quality tests carried out by WHO for the year 2007, said the Central Lab Manager Khalid Abdul Rahman. ...
     Dr. Al-Shirbini answers pilgrims' questions
    11 December 2007
    Dr. Al-Shirbini answers pilgrims' questions
    The MOH Health Information Center, in coordination with the Lourback will host today Sunday 29/11/1428H Dr. Safia Al-Shirbini, the Consultant of internal medicine, endocrine glands, ...
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