Hajj News

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    Minister of Health: Discuss Strategy Final Draft, Financial Resources
    27 October 2010
    Minister of Health: Discuss Strategy Final Draft, Financial Resources
    Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz AL Rabeeah have headed the 3rd meeting of the International Advisory Council, which was held for two continues days. Where the first day was set to discuss the final draft of the strategic plan; ...
    Dr. Chan: Saudis are lucky to Have Their King
    27 October 2010
    Dr. Chan: Saudis are lucky to Have Their King
    World Health Organization General Director, Dr. Margaret Chan, praised the sponsorship of the Custodian of the Tow Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz to the International Mass Gatherings Medicine Conference in addition to his great vision ...
    Arab League Expert Call for International Health Awareness Centre
    26 October 2010
    Arab League Expert Call for International Health Awareness Centre
    Arab League expert called for establishing international Arab health awareness and education centre in cooperation with the Ministers of Health of the Arab League. Arab League Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Dr. Sema Buhooth, ...
    The Minister Meet WHO Director
    26 October 2010
    The Minister Meet WHO Director
    WHO Director-General, Dr. Margaret Chan, noted the efforts and health services provided by the Saudi government to in need and afflicted countries.The kingdom is considered the most involved country in providing such humanitarian aids. ...
    Dr. Tony: Call for Establishing International Mass Gatherings Organization
    26 October 2010
    Dr. Tony: Call for Establishing International Mass Gatherings Organization
    The Director General of Health Affairs and Intervention-Emergencies in British Columbia District in Vancouver, Canada, Dr. Tony Hamburi, noted the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah Ibn Abdul Aziz initiative to call for ...
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