Hajj News

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    E-Health & Changes in Health Technology
    25 April 2011
    E-Health & Changes in Health Technology
    The Ministry of Health, represented by the Information and Communication Technology Department in collaboration with Intel Corporation, recently offered a workshop entitled “E-Health and Changes in the Health Technologies Field.” ...
    MOH Developing All Sectors
    25 April 2011
    MOH Developing All Sectors
    Executive Affairs Deputy Minister, Dr. Mansour Al Hawasi, spoke recently at the launch for the (150-350-bed) Hospitals Directors' Skills Development Training Program, which was organized by the General Department for Hospitals in cooperation with the General Directorate for Training and Scholarship. ...
    MOH Hires Distinguished Egyptian Consultants
    25 April 2011
    MOH Hires Distinguished Egyptian Consultants
    Under the supervision of the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Rabeeah, the Ministry actively pursues ways to provide a full range of healthcare services for patients in all areas of the Kingdom. ...
    Princess Hissa Al Shalan Sponsors MOH Celebration
    25 April 2011
    Princess Hissa Al Shalan Sponsors MOH Celebration
    His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Rabeeah, expressed his thanks and appreciation to Princess Hissa Bint Trad Al-Shalan, wife of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, for sponsoring the celebration that will be launched by the Ministry of Health ...
    HH Wife of King Abdullah Sponsors MOH Celebration
    25 April 2011
    HH Wife of King Abdullah Sponsors MOH Celebration
    Her Highness Princess Hissa Bint Trad Al-Shalan, wife of King Abdullah, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, sponsors the celebration that will be launched by the Ministry of Health at the King Saud Medical City in Riyadh. ...
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