Hajj News

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    Dr. Al-Rabeeah Meets the Korean Delegation
    18 November 2013
    Dr. Al-Rabeeah Meets the Korean Delegation
    His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah, has met at his ministerial office, yesterday noon, with the Head of Unification, Trade and Foreign Affairs Committee in the National Council of South Korea, Ahn Hong Joon, and his accompanying delegation ...
    Al-Rabeeah Reviews the Health Plan of 1435h
    18 November 2013
    Al-Rabeeah Reviews the Health Plan of 1435h
    His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah recently presided at the first meeting of the Executive Council of the Ministry of Health (MOH) of 1435h. It was held at the main meeting hall in the MOH office ...
    MOH Closes 55 Private Medical Facilities
    18 November 2013
    MOH Closes 55 Private Medical Facilities
    (MOH) closed 55 private health facilities in a number of the Kingdom’s regions over the past two months; due to their non-compliance with Health Regulations ...
    Dr. Khoshaim Discusses Ways to Reinforce Health Cooperation with Sweden
    17 November 2013
    Dr. Khoshaim Discusses Ways to Reinforce Health Cooperation with Sweden
    Today morning, His Excellency the Vice Minister of Health for Planning and Development, Dr. Mohammad Bin Hamza Khoshaim, met the Swedish Vice Minister of Health, Mrs. Lena Furmark and the accompanying delegation ...
    A Vaccination Campaign Targeting School Students Kicked off on Sunday
    17 November 2013
    A Vaccination Campaign Targeting School Students Kicked off on Sunday
    MOH launched its vaccination campaign in all regions and governorates on 17th November, 2013, targeting 500.000 boy and girl students at the first grade in all primary schools ...
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