Hajj News

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    Seven Hospitals Accommodating 1,000 Beds in the Service of Pilgrims in Madinah
    17 September 2014
    Seven Hospitals Accommodating 1,000 Beds in the Service of Pilgrims in Madinah
    Within its preparatory plan for this year's Hajj season, the Madinah Health Affairs General Directorate continued to provide its services for the pilgrims and the visitors of the Prophet's Mosque from early in the morning ...
    Nutritionist Maha Al-Assaf Provides Dietary Tips to Pilgrims
    17 September 2014
    Nutritionist Maha Al-Assaf Provides Dietary Tips to Pilgrims
    Nutritionist Maha Al-Assaf, while interviewed on Tuesday by the National Center for Media and Health Awareness, has advised pilgrims to prepare and preserve the foods in a proper way, and not to eat meat, chicken, fish ...
    Minister of Health on Pilgrims' Health Status: So Good So Far
    17 September 2014
    Minister of Health on Pilgrims' Health Status: So Good So Far
    His Excellency the Acting Minister of Health, Eng. Adel bin Mohamed Faqih, has reassured the citizens, residents and pilgrims that, thanks be to Allah, the health situation of the pilgrims is good; no epidemic or pandemic cases have been detected ...
    Dr. Khoshaim: Holy Sites' Isolation Rooms Increased
    16 September 2014
    Dr. Khoshaim: Holy Sites' Isolation Rooms Increased
    His Excellency the Vice Minister for Planning and Development, Dr. Muhammad Khoshaim, disclosed that isolation rooms have been increased in the Holy Sites to ensure treating all the infectious cases in four hospitals in Mina and Arafat ...
    MOH Develops a New Mechanism for Epidemiological Surveillance
    16 September 2014
    MOH Develops a New Mechanism for Epidemiological Surveillance
    In line with the commitment of the Ministry of Health (MOH) to providing a safe and healthy experience for pilgrims and residents during the Hajj season, a new mechanism was developed for epidemiological surveillance in the Kingdom ...
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