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His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Tawfiq bin … on three main topics, namely prevention against heat strokes (sunstrokes), prevention against communicable diseases, as well as …
Date: 8/30/2018 Size: 28KB

Web Page
in all health fields (treatment, prevention and rehabilitation) reveals, leaving no room for … to detect it, in addition to scheduling the key events of its treatment and prevention
Date: 2/8/2012 Size: 23KB

Web Page
At a roundtable discussion held on the sidelines of the Global Conference on Healthy Lifestyles … Dr. Majed Al- Nuaimi, pointed out that prevention of diseases should be directed towards …
Date: 9/12/2012 Size: 30KB

Web Page
Under the auspices of His Excellency the Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Rabeeah … with graduates specialized in infection control and prevention of contagious diseases …
Date: 9/4/2013 Size: 30KB

Web Page
of suspected cases, provision of appropriate treatment, and prevention of its spread … All staff must be trained in cholera prevention and infection control measures, such as hand …
Date: 11/5/2022 Size: 24KB

Web Page
Introduction HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the body's immune … died, and celebrate victories such as increased access to treatment and prevention services …
Date: 1/19/2022 Size: 24KB

Web Page
April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month with World Parkinson’s Day recognized on 11 April each year … It's also the time to show … Supporting research into its causes, prevention, and treatment …
Date: 2/7/2022 Size: 24KB

Web Page
The Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week held in April of every year aims to raise awareness … of this disease and its warning signs, and spread information about prevention methods …
Date: 2/21/2022 Size: 24KB

Web Page
World Hearing Day is an annual global event that takes place on the 3rd of March of every year … World Hearing Day, Ears, Prevention, Diagnosis, Healthcare … It aims to raise awareness of …
Date: 2/20/2022 Size: 24KB

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According to the Ministry of Health (MOH), the recovery rate of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19 … continuation of applying the highest prevention standards and taking proactive precautionary …
Date: 8/19/2020 Size: 27KB

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Last Update : 06 January 2021 10:00 AM
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