The Hereditary and Chronic Diseases General Department launched two days ago an event under the theme: "Change your Lifestyle". The event, which will last for two weeks, has been held Riyadh Hayat Mall, in the presence of the Assistant Deputy Minister for Primary Health Care, Dr. Muhammad bin Omar Ba-Suleiman.
Meanwhile, the Director of Obesity Control Program and Consultant of Family Medicine, Dr. Shakir Abdulaziz Al-Amri, said that “this campaign aims at raising community awareness about the risks of obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure through the early detection of obesity by measuring height, weight and body mass index (BMI), meanwhile underscoring the importance of the balanced food and the physical activity.”
Within the same vein, Dr. Al-Amri pointed out that the Kingdom is one of the fastest growing economies worldwide; however, this growth was accompanied by a rapid change in the lifestyle and the daily habits particularly the change in the food style and the individuals' physical activity; the thing which resulted in the increase of the rates of obesity and non-communicable diseases.
He further explained that the results of the national survey conducted by the Ministry of Health (MOH) for the year 2014 for the individuals above 15 years old revealed that the rate of obesity spread is 28.7%, and the rate of overweight is 30%. In total, the survey estimated that 60% of Saudi individuals suffer weight increase or obesity.
One of the participants in the event was Wijdan Al-Jahouri, a painter who drew a painting representing the theme of the campaign. In addition, Hadi Soaan, the prominent Saudi athlete, delivered a speech highlighting the importance of sport and diet in human life. He also stressed the importance of the cooperation between all parties to educate the community about the risks of obesity and its related diseases and problems.
Wrapping up the event, the Assistant Deputy Minister for Primary Health Care, Dr. Muhammad bin Omar Ba-Suleiman, handed up all the participants in the event: (Change your lifestyle) memorial shields and gifts, and received on his part a memorial gift from the Hereditary and Chronic Diseases General Department. After that, Dr. Ba-Suleiman toured through the accompanying exhibition that provided steps of Obesity Early Detection, and community awareness tools in this regard.