The MOH Pavilion at Aramco Summer Cultural Program 2012 has witnessed intensive attendance over the past two days. It provided healthcare services for about 1465 visitors of both genders, including comprehensive medical examination, awareness tips and specialized educational programs.
The Supervisor of the MOH Pavilion, Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Hadithi, pointed out that the clinic of measuring blood sugar, blood pressure, weight and length, made the measurements of 218 men and 275 women. The osteoporosis clinic conducted medical examination on 127 men and 300 women to see whether they suffer from osteoporosis.
The anti-smoking clinic examined the lung efficiency for 33 persons, in addition to conducting the monoxide tests on 60 persons. Colon cancer examination was conducted on 120 persons, and breast cancer examination was conducted on 50 women. The number of blood donors was 5 persons, whereas the number of beneficiaries of the mobile awareness exhibition was 277 persons.
Dr. Al-Hadithi went on to explain that the Ministry's participation involves the provision of health awareness activities by way of the mobile awareness exhibition. It consists of 8 sub-sections: an examination clinic, where the exhibition's visitors can undergo a number of general examinations to evaluate their status of health, including the measurement of vital signs, bone mass indicators (BMI), level of blood sugar. It includes also an osteoporosis clinic, which provides an evaluation of the general situation of bone mass, through the osteoporosis measurement service. There is, in addition, the blood bank which receives blood donors after conducting the necessary blood tests to identify the blood group of the donor. Blood specimens are then sent to the Central Laboratory, where the other necessary tests are done. Finally, there is the healthy lifestyle, which provides health tips that have to do with food balance, physical activity, and how to avoid such risk factors as the excessive intake of fats, sugars, and physical inactivity.