In line with the MOH efforts for improving services, the Minister of Health Dr. Hamad bin Abdullah Al-Mane has approved establishing branch councils for the Central Council for Approving Health Establishments (CCAHE), which has been established as per a decision from the Council of Health Services on 05/05/1426H. The main task assigned to CCAHE is to formulate policies for ensuring the best application of quality standards at the hospitals in the Kingdom. Dr. Mohammed Hamza Khashim has been appointed as the president of the CCAHE, whereas Dr. Hashim Khotinli has been appointed as the Secretary General. All health sectors in the Kingdom have been included in its membership, including the Saudi universities, the Security Forces, the Armed Forces and the National Guards.
The council is assigned with licensing health facilities. It is the body authorized for approving the quality of the health services provided by the health facilities, including providing high quality services that meet international standards and cope with the ambitions of the beneficiaries in the Kingdom. It has given the health facilities a time limit of two years starting from 01/01/1428H to match their services with the required standards.
The Minister of Health Dr. Al-Mane said an amount of SR15 million Riyals have been approved within the budget of the Ministry of Health for the council works.
He depicted the current year as the year of quality in providing health services, confirming that MOH is undertaking great efforts for securing safety to patients at the different health facilities. "MOH shall never be lenient in applying the quality standards", he said. "They will be included within the basic requirements of license issuance and whenever a health facility is to be rehabilitated by the council".
Considering the comprehensive quality management as a basic necessity for any medical facility, Dr. Al-Mane said MOH shall be keen in applying the quality standards for the purpose of coping with the scientific and technical developments witnessed in the medical area.
The application of the principle of (safety of patients), as have been stated by Al-Mane, is taken as an important priority by MOH for realizing quality of services.
It has to be stated here that MOH has recently graduated the first class of the MSc. Quality Program students in cooperation with the University of Oklahoma.