MOH Directorate of Information and Health Awareness will provide the gaudiness and awareness service (Pilgrims Health) before and during Umrah and Hajj
It will host on Sunday 7/11/2010
According to Al-Jouf Health Affairs, the number of beneficiaries of the health awareness campaigns, including the National Breast Cancer
Ministry seeks to raise people's health awareness, through a constellation of specialists in
mounted to over 300, who received health-awareness services by the section's specialists
The MOH’s Health Volunteer Center has launched a new health awareness volunteering campaign
to reinforce the efforts made to spread awareness and health education across the Kingdom
Specialist Hospital for attending the 8th Health Awareness Symposium, which comes this year under the title 'Health Awareness and New Media
He went on to add that this
point out that this meeting targets the health awareness officials in the media and health awareness departments and media officials in the health affairs
Mobily, and Saudi Telecom, has sent health awareness text messages to pilgrims; it included tips and directives to maintain the health, nutritional safety, and personal hygiene
It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has recently launched a comprehensive health-awareness campaign called “Your Health in Ramadan”, under the theme
the National Center for Media and Health Awareness will host His Excellency the Assistant Deputy Minister of Health for Preventive Health, Dr. Abdullah Asiri, from 100 to 300 p.m.
Today, May 26th, 2012, the Summer Health Awareness Program, presented by the MOH Media Information and Health Awareness Program, starts off by interviewing the