talk shows, preparation of the “Health Dose
on "YouTube" channel, production of health awareness programs, as well as raising the health awareness via
The day also spreads awareness for achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder that causes
Day Calendar - International Dwarfism Awareness Day Saudi MOH - Health Awareness Platform
(800 249 4444) to answer people's health and medical queries
Information and Health Awareness Centre in the Ministry has launched "Hello Ramadan" Health Program for the 6th year in a raw
According to Bisha Health Affairs, during the last month (November), the health awareness campaigns have served 32,251 beneficiaries
view to their participation in promoting health awareness; the matter which will reduce the
and associations involved in spreading health awareness and community participation
Moreover, Information and Health Awareness General Directorate also launched "Hello Ramadan" Health Program for the 6th year in a raw
Yellow Anywhere for Sarcoma Awareness» References The Australia and New
ANZSA) American Childhood Cancer Organization Saudi MOH - Health Awareness Platform
people during Ramadan, Information and Health Awareness Centre launches "Hello Ramadan" Health Program for the 6th year in a
The Ministry of Health (MOH), through the Jeddah Health Affairs Directorate's Health Awareness Ambassador
has provided a number of awareness programs in Hajj at the Pilgrims City
best way to prevent lymphoma is to raise health awareness about the disease and its symptoms
Wait References Lymphoma Coalition - Canada MOH - Awareness Platform