Dry Cough

What is a dry cough:

A dry cough is one that is not associated with a phlegm in the throat. Sometimes a dry cough is accompanied by a feeling of swelling and congestion or a tickling in the throat, and one begins to try to cough to get rid of it, but to no avail.



A person may develop a dry cough without any other accompanying symptoms, or become infected as they suffer from influenza or colds. Coughing may persist even after recovery from these diseases.

  • Having a throat infection
  • Inhalation of a cough-causing substance such as dust or smoke.
  • Asthma.
  • Nose or chest allergy.


There are other less common causes, including:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • GERD.
  • Heart disease (in rare cases).
  • Whooping cough (pertussis).
  • Pneumonia


Types of dry cough:

Dry cough has three types, namely:

  • Dry Cough: Associated with a viral infection in the nose or throat, and the patient usually feels that something is stuck in his throat.
  • Croup: Associated with  swelling or infection in the larynx In this case,  the patient feels pain in the throat when coughing and difficulty breathing.
  • Whooping cough: Associated with the presence of bacteria In this case, the patient coughs continuously and this is followed by whooping.


Consult your doctor immediately if:

  • The person with dry cough is less than 5 years old.
  • The  dry cough contains mucus or blood.
  • dry cough is associated with shortness of breath.
  • The frequency of dry cough increases especially at night.
  • Smoking.
  • if fever is accompanied by: Constant headache or a rash or inflammation of the ear.
  • In case of significant weight loss with muscle pain.
  • If a person with a dry cough has high blood pressure or has heart disease, asthma, or stomach problems.
  • If a woman with a cough is pregnant or breastfeeding, some medications can affect her or her baby's health.
  • If the patient develops an allergy to some medications they are taking for the cough



Dry cough can be treated by:

nebulizer sessions The patient inhales hot steam that reduces the severity of the cough. It can be received by your doctor or hospital, and pharmacies have nebulizers that are suitable for home use.


Some home remedies that have soothing properties for dry cough:

  • Honey: One of the oldest treatments for dry cough, and usually an ingredient in all cough medications because of its known effect in soothing the throat.
  • Curcuma.
  • Ginger.
  • Garlic.
  • Guava leaves.
  • Salt water gargle
  • Licorice.

For further information: