Deputy Minister for eHealth and Digital Transformation

Deputy Minister’s CV

​​Deputy Minister for eHealth and Digital Transformation

Eng. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Issa

Deputy Minister for eHealth and Digital Transformation 


  • Software Engineering from King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals.
  • Courses from different institutes like IMD, Harvard, Kellogg School of Management and other top institutes.  


  • MoH's Deputy Minister for eHealth and Digital Transformation 2022 up to now.
  • CEO of Tawakkalna Platform 2020-2022.
  • Assistant deputy minister for Products and development in MoF.
  • Director of business development and Projects in Elm.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Supervising the development, implementation, and evaluation of e-health systems and digital transformation initiatives within the Ministry.
  • Providing strategic direction and guidance on how to use technology to improve health care provision.
  • Collaborating with stakeholders, including healthcare providers, government agencies and technology companies, to develop and implement digital health solutions.
  • Ensuring compliance with data privacy and security regulations, including protecting patient information and other sensitive data.
  • Leading innovation and digital transformation in the healthcare sector to improve healthcare services and outcomes for all individuals.
  • Supervising the planning and implementation of digital transformation projects within the healthcare sector, including the development of e-health platforms and remote care services.
  • Leading digital transformation efforts within the healthcare sector to enhance efficiency, streamline operations, and increase access to healthcare services.
  • Follow up and research on emerging technologies and best practices in the field of e-health and digital transformation and integrate them into the Ministry’s strategic planning and decision-making processes.
Contact Info:

Office Phone: 2124000   Ext NO: 5566

Last Update : 30 June 2024 11:45 AM
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