Announcements about Private Health Sector Performance

MOH Closes 28 Private Health Facilities in Riyadh
The Ministry of Health (MOH) has approved a decision to close 28 private health facilities in several districts of Riyadh as a preventive action. The Ministry pointed out that the decision of shutting down these facilities was issued on the ground of the irregularities detected by the field inspection teams, at the Private Sector Department of the Health Affairs General Directorate in Riyadh, which included working without obtaining a final license or by virtue of an invalid license. In addition, these facilities hired cadres unlicensed to practice the health professions.
Based upon these decisions, nine medical complexes are to be shut down, in addition to five dispensaries, five dentistry clinics and dispensaries, six optic centers, a women's physiotherapy center, a medical laboratory, and a clinic as a result of statutory irregularities after submitting them to the Medical Irregularities Committee at Riyadh Health Affairs General Directorate. These irregularities included the unavailability of the minimum medical cadres, working without obtaining working licensing, having shortage in medical equipment in terms of ambulances and emergency equipment, or the absence of the minimum advisors in each complex. In addition to this, some of these complexes work without obtaining the final licensing for cadres or facilities. And after having these irregularities submitted to the Health Institutions Irregularities Committee, the closure decision was issued.
Meanwhile, the MOH made clear that these decisions proceed from the MOH's dedication to maintaining patients' health and safety and its interest in upgrading the health services provided by the private health sector.
Within the same vein, the Ministry has affirmed that it will not tolerate any insufficiency related to the citizen's and residents' health and safety, and it will continue applying the heaviest penalties and statutory procedures towards any health institutions not committed to the required quality measures. This is in order to oblige them improving their situations and clear all the notes in line with what the statutory procedures provide.
Also, the Ministry of Health called on the private health sector, in its capacity as a strategic partner in the health development, to commit, as hoped, to the recognized scientific measures of quality; in order to provide for beneficiaries high-quality health services.
Last Update : 28 April 2014 09:27 AM
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