MOH News

Successful Surgery Restores Mobility to Old Man Wheel-Chaired for 8 Years
16 January 2018
By Allah’s Grace, a neurosurgery team of Hafr Al-Batin Central Hospital has successfully conducted a two-hour surgery to a patient in his 70s suffering from a movement difficulty for a long time. In recent months, his condition deteriorated and he could only move on a wheelchair. After due medical examinations and MRI scanning, he was diagnosed with chronic cervical spinal stenosis (L3 & L4), causing spinal cord compression and loss of his mobility. The patient has been rehabilitated after the surgery. Then, he has recovered and been able to stand and move. Thank Allah he was discharged from the hospital, while his rehabilitation is being completed.  

On the other hand, over the past year, MOH’s Home Medicine Program (HMP) conducted 311,522 visits by 320 medical teams (2,000 visits a day). The service was provided by 213 hospitals across the Kingdom.

Since 1430H., MOH has provided home medicine services through qualified medical teams across the Kingdom to the eligible patients at their homes and among their families; in an endeavor to enhance their physical and mental health conditions, and to give them and their families peace of mind. Also, the program increases the bed usability turn-over; thus, helping MOH serve more patients at less costs.

It is worth mentioning that the home medicine departments and sections across the Kingdom provide healthcare to patients with the engagement of their families, and meet their needs, in terms of medication and devices, which positively reflects on patients’ psychological, social and health conditions.



Last Update : 18 January 2018 08:25 AM
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