MOH News

Hail: 8,346 Home Visits by Medical Teams Last Year
01 January 2018
According to Hail Health Affairs, over the past year, 11 medical teams from 9 hospitals paid 8,346 home visits to more than 1,001 patients. Also, the medical teams of home medicine department and sections at Hail Health Affairs and its hospitals re-evaluated the nutrition for 24 cases, visited and re-evaluated nutrition for 24 critical cases, and re-evaluated it for patients who receive dietary supplement.

Since 1430H., the Ministry of Health (MOH) has provided home medicine services through a qualified medical team across the Kingdom to the eligible patients at their homes and among their families; in an endeavor to enhance their physical and mental health conditions, and to give them and their families peace of mind. Furthermore, the program increases the bed usability turn-over; thus, helping MOH serve more patients at less costs.

It is worth mentioning that the home medicine departments and sections across the Kingdom provide healthcare to patients with the engagement of their families, and meet their needs, in terms of medication and devices, which positively reflects on patients’ psychological, social and health conditions.

On the other hand, MOH has recently launched the (e-health) App. to facilitate access to visual medical consultations on smartphones. In so doing, MOH seeks to employ cutting-edge technologies to enhance effective communication with service beneficiaries, and to provide them with the needed specialized medical consultations.

According to MOH, the first stage of the new App. will cover the Northern Borders, Asir, Tabuk, Jazan, Najran and Al-Jouf Health Affairs. The, the App will be used across the Kingdom, Allah Willing.

The App. is designed to enable audio-video communication from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. during working days, and from 1 p.m. to 12 a.m. on weekends. Accordingly, users can login into the App., communicate directly with a specialist, and have their cases diagnosed through the App. Hence, the specialist can answer the users' inquiries, and provide the needed medical consultation and the necessary medical procedure.


Last Update : 03 January 2018 01:47 PM
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