MOH News

Press Release by H.E. Health Minister on Anniversary of Allegiance
21 December 2017
H. E. the Health Minister Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah, in his own name and on behalf of the all health sectors' staff, has extended the highest compliments and congratulations to His Royal Highness the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - may Allah protect him - on the third anniversary of the allegiance.

Dr. Al-Rabiah stated; "In this bright era, the Kingdom witnesses a comprehensive dynamic development in all walks of life and sectors, which have positive impact - by Alla's Grace - on providing honorable living to Saudis. The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - may Allah protect him - has paid special attention to the health sector, out of his auspicious interest in our citizens' health and safety. This is best reflected in his royal decree to make health a priority in all laws and regulations to control and prevent disease, and to reduce disease burden. Thus, health becomes a priority in all policies, reflecting his royal interest in citizens' health, as well as in providing them with healthcare."

"The Ministry of Health (MOH) capitalizes on this ongoing support to the health sector rendered by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques - may Allah protect him. In so doing, MOH has launched several service programs and quality initiatives, which have improved health services to citizens and enhanced performance across health facilities.", added Al-Rabiah. In that vein, MOH's performance program (Adaa'), which aims to boost productivity, performance quality and efficiency of health services in hospitals, has achieved satisfactory results so far. The program is in line with the National Transformation Program 2020 towards achieving the Saudi Vision 2030. The program currently covers 70 hospitals and features over 40 indicators to measure the performance of seven key therapeutic aspects.

Then, Dr. Al-Rabiah concluded his statement asking Allah to maintain the blessings of Islam, safety and security on the Kingdom, to protect our leaders the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and grant them success in all their good and righteous endeavors.



Last Update : 21 December 2017 02:57 PM
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