MOH News

New Clinic Inaugurated for Travelers’ Health and Safety in Taif
03 October 2017
According to Taif Health Affairs, a new clinic has been inaugurated at Masarrah Primary Healthcare Center to provide medical advice, vaccinations and preventive measures for travelers based on their distentions. The clinic will provide medical consultation services, and pre-travel advice on infectious and vector-borne diseases, and travel vaccinations based on traveler’s distention.
“The clinic has been enhanced with all requirements to meet the traveler’s needs. It provides the yellow fever vaccination certificate, issued only by the public healthcare centers, and the certificate showing them to be from communicable diseases, certified by the official authorities,” added Taif health Affairs. In addition, they call upon travelers to benefit from the clinic services and its specialists’ consultations, and to take the necessary vaccinations 10 to 14 days before travelling to secure the desired results. This travel clinic operates daily from Sunday to Thursday (from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.).

Last Update : 08 October 2017 09:12 AM
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