MOH News

Arthroscopic Surgery to Repair Damaged Cartilage of a Young Man
11 April 2023

​​The medical team specializing in orthopedic surgery in Buraidah succeeded in ending the suffering of a young man who suffered from constant pain in the ankle joint - for nearly a year - in a 25-minute surgery that was done successfully – all praises be to Allah . Qassim Health Cluster said: The patient visited the orthopedic clinics at King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Buraidah after being referred from a peripheral hospital. He complains of a foot injury, which resulted in a sprained ankle joint. The medical team conducted medical examinations and x-rays of the patient, which showed the presence of a bone ulcer that led to a breakdown in the cartilage lining the ankle. The Health Cluster indicated that the medical team - after reviewing the patient's examinations - decided to perform a surgery using the arthroscopic technique for the ankle, indicating that during the 25-minute operation, bone ulcers were treated, cartilage was cleaned, and hairline fractures (holes) were made, without the need to use traditional surgery operations, pointing out that the operation was carried out successfully within the framework of one-day surgeries, and the patient was able to leave the hospital on the same day, healthy and well. It is noteworthy that King Fahd Specialist Hospital in Buraidah was able to perform 3591 surgeries during the current year 2023; Routine surgeries, including 2991 operations, while one-day surgeries amounted to 644 operations.

Last Update : 14 April 2023 08:44 PM
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